The Dark Knight inside you ……

Hope & Revenge are the only two feelings that helps to survive …….
while hope is something that is a long term process , revenge is something that comes handy , I am not trying to convey here the message of the whole vengeance thing , but I am just gonna talk about the negative emotions that could sometimes help you in positive ways , & the key is to have control over it .

Anger and envy, for instance, can spur you on to greater efforts than were likely in the absence of such emotions. Sometimes you complete the tasks you never expected to do in such a short period of time , but due to competition , that envy feeling , you did it.

Anger against the opposing team helps to win , this strategy always works in the games, indeed you must have control over it , or you might lose the biggest game of your life , and the best example for it is Zinadine Zidane ,
French superstar Zinedine Zidane — playing in the last match of his career! — head-butted Italy’s Marco Materazzi after Materazzi allegedly insulted Zidane’s family. Zidane was sent off with a red card, putting France a man down and precluding Zidane from participating in the shootout to decide the tournament’s champion. That shootout was eventually won by Italy, 5-3.

So here is my advise , if you think you can not control over it , than you should just go along with the positive feelings , it doesn’t has side effects , working with negative emotions is like playing with Fire , if you lose slight a control , it might burn you .

But playing with the negative emotions , & making it work like weapons is all together different thing , but you should not reject those feelings ,  Accepting rather than rejecting a negative emotion takes the edge off its destructive power. If you live the emotion, you will be relieved of it and it may even help you. So deal with those emotions .

Literature has witnessed many such characters who have made those negative emotions , anger hatred their power , & achieved success , one of my favorite character is  Heathcliff  of Wuthering  Heights , an uneducated and unkempt Heathcliff is so torn by Catherine’s rejection of him as husband material in favour of Edgar that he disappears for a few years and returns rich and a ‘gentleman’ .

But as I mentioned earlier, if you lose control over it , you are destroyed & the same tragedy happened with them. the destruction caused by unresolved negative emotion. Heathcliff and Catherine’s unresolved passion for each other leads to destruction of not just their lives but of the others’ around them.

You can always learn from this negative stack of emotions , if you don’t want to go along with them , you can simply seek the beam of light from it , Psychotherapist Greenspan suggests we think of emotions as teachers.
->“Sorrow teaches us about inter-connectedness.
->Fear is a survival instinct.
->And anger indicates that something’s wrong that must be made right
-> Envy teaches us that we need to better ourselves
->Disappointment tells us our expectations are unrealistic or that we need to increase our own efforts
->Frustration tells us we are bored with present circumstances and it’s time for a change.
->Being stressed means we need to list our priorities;
->Loneliness tells us we need to be connected
->Guilt tells us we have been unjust to someone or something and need to make amends.

If you change your view point , you always seek good from even the bad situations , its just the way we look at things that make it seem to us , its time you let the dark knight inside you rise , give it a shot it’s worth it …..

Thought of the day :

Cherish your own emotions and never undervalue them.