It s simple & yet difficult to love oneself

The one person you can & you should love unconditionally ,the one with whom you never have to explain , the one who would never judge you is YOU , & you  still add up a list of requirements that should be there to love yourself. I mean if you are only loving yourself because of the way you look, or the way you walk , etc etc than you aren’t REALLY loving yourself.Really loving yourself is loving yourself unconditionally – the same way that the people closest to you love unconditionally.

We love our family & our closest friends without any of such conditions , than why we put conditions for ourselves ?

If you like yourself, you will like the people you naturally meet, and they will like you. If you don’t like yourself, you will waste energy trying to get with people who aren’t like you, or you will settle for being with someone you don’t like.

There are two solutions to this. The first, and most important, is to learn to like yourself. The second, is to turn yourself into the person that you want to be.

If you don’t like some of your habits you can always change it , but that should be about evolving , not about changing yourself so that people approves of you , or to get their attention , if you are reason to change is solely to impress others , than you are never going to be happy , you can fake to be happy , but inside their you ll feel the emptiness.

Who are you lying to ? Who are you pretending to than ? No one can make you happy , only you can do that , than why should you waste your valuable life by pretending to be someone else.

Loving yourself, and taking care of yourself – that should be your number one priority. Because if you work at it, you get to a really safe place, where you know, you’ll be okay no matter what. You owe that to yourself. You deserve your own respect.

If you want to like yourself, one way to do it is to realize that you are the perfect You that anyone could be. No-one else can do the things you do quite like you. No-one sees the world quite the same way. No-one has precisely your talents, ambitions, or lack thereof. No-one screws things up the same way, no-one makes the same mistakes and faux pas‘. At being you, for all your faults and weaknesses, you would get an A+. It’s ok to be the way you are – it must be, because the way you are IS the way you are.

If you love yourself, you won’t need to lose weight. If you love yourself, you wont’ need anybody else to tell you for you to know that you are beautiful, brilliant, worthy, important, and awesome.

It’s the root of everything. You. You will be with yourself for the rest of your life – you are the most important thing. You might as well make the relationship between you and you a good one, since you’ll be committed to it for lifetime.

Nobody is perfect and that’s the part of the beauty of being human. Hopefully, as we travel along on life s journey, we become increasingly brave about exploring who we really are and can enjoy sustained, robust, excellent mental health., the nature itself gives that proof , we can evolve , change for better , but being perfect for everything & anything shouldn’t be the idea behind it.

Today’s Thought : ” Explore yourself , trust your uniqueness , & be proud of your own individuality ”


Clouded Thoughts

I don’t have a whole lot to say today, at least not right now. Actually, that’s not true – I have a whole lot that I want to say, but I haven’t gotten the clarity I need to figure out what I should say, when I should say it, and how I should say it.
It happens one moment words are overflowing , & the next you are blank !

It’s like the black outs you have , you don’t remember the things that you don’t want to remember or sometimes the opposite the things that you really wish to remember , but you stand between the lines , you remember not so important things , that really doesn’t make sense.

I guess its about the mix feelings that push you to this condition , which is very frustrating as well as scary , you don’ t wanna go to that road , but than again you are not convinced to go the other way round either , its like either you will forgive or end up being Anakin .

You know its like those feeling when you can’t say it out loud , coz than it would be a BIG DEAL , but than again not saying or doing anything would kill you from inside , you can’t let the fire inside you burn the whole place down , & you can’t let it blow you either , you need to have that power to control it and let it out in a controlled manner …. yeah now I am getting somewhere ..

I know this post is very confusing & seems so random , but than thats how the state of my mind is, the words that are coming out just shows me how complicated the network inside is…but I need to let it out , if I shut down now , than I will never know , I don’t won’t to turn cold stone head or too dry , I would prefer loud …..

Even if I’m in a bad mood I don’t take it out on anyone, or at least try not to.I can’t fix everything I tried to fix that but it didn’t work I guess, I don’t believe in over analyzing thing , I think that s the reason everything gets messed up in the first place , it makes small things look like A BIG BLUNDER , but eventually its nothing , if you can just shrug it off , it would be  lot easier for everyone … But I guess am the only one who looks at thing like that , & that makes me Odd one out >>>

Lolz, not the first time I have been out of the place , no matter how much I try to blend in , eventually I am reminded , I don’t belong in there , but no am not going to run , escape , hide , no , not this time , its time , I start taking actions for things I should have,  I’ve become so cautious about not giving the wrong signals and not misinterpreting them. So I need things to be clear. : “Best defense is a good offense”~ Wolverine

I know the fact that  I should probably write something high impact that makes sure to keep the positiveness of my posts , but than the truth is I should also be honest while I am writing so here it is

Sometimes we write for ourselves. Other times we write for other people. This time, I’m writing just to write.



Journey of Realization …… Dreams

Throughout my life; although it has been very short lived I have learned a little bit about “THE JOURNEY”. I have considerably learned more than your average twenty year old, not because I had to but because I wanted to. I have learned that everyone has a journey and whether they decide to partake in this journey willingly is of their own free will. God will show you things, give you hints only hoping that you might stop and pay attention. The sun doesn’t shine for no reason and the wind doesn’t blow just to keep you cool at night. The pain of everyday living is a mere test of might. Because you are a child of God strength is instilled in you. Because you are a child of God you are born with a purpose.

“THE STRUGGLE!” To struggle is to learn, to know that you have an obstacle to overcome and it is your choice to accept defeat or come out triumphant. Fear is a lack of heart and a gain of absent mindedness. The phrase “Ignorance is Bliss” comes to mind when fear plays its part. If you never know your full potential you can never grow into something greater than yourself so instead you use fear as a scapegoat. Fear controls you, it knows your weaknesses, it knows just what to do in order to break you. A fearless man can’t be broken, he can be tossed to the side, bruised and cracked, but no matter how far you try to break him he will not be broken. When you look at the entertainers, the lawyers, and the doctors who make a decent living and it just seems like they have it all most of them don’t. They sought out to fulfill their personal legend and although they got the money and the career they’ve strived for, most of them only have that. Even if you attain success never forget your journey, it is what humbles you and it was created so that you can share it with others. The way you were inspired to become better than you were is the same way you should seek to inspire others who don’t realize that they are a child of God and they have a purpose.

“LIVING!” Days go by and I observe each and every person that I come in contact with whether it be a co-worker, a friend, a teacher, or a student and I wonder if they’re truly happy. Some would say well why would I be happy I can’t even afford a decent pair of shoes. Money is not the root of all happiness it is actually the opposite. Money creates an outlet to live comfortably and that is of course “The American Dream” but what some fail to realize is happiness is love and love is God. You don’t know happiness until you have experienced love and not just any kind of love but a divine perception of one’s self. Don’t just love what you see externally but look inward and find what makes you special. If no one else in this world loves you there should always be two people that will and that’s YOU and GOD. God will never leave you and just like he has faith in you, you should have the same faith residing in yourself and in him. Once you have learned to truly love you will begin to truly live and accept that through God anything is possible.

“DREAMS VS. REALITY!” Anyone can have a dream but there are those who will live out their dreams and there are those who will only dream them. Insecurity and fear becomes their biggest downfall because they let someone tell them that they couldn’t, the sad part about it is they never truly tried. To fall once is a lesson, to fall twice is a lesson learned, to fall three times is a blessing because after you have fell it is your natural instinct to say “well I’ve tried many times but I quit because I just keep falling.” It is at the height of your failure when along comes your success. It is in human nature to dream, and not all dreams are to be carried out and lived but if you pay attention along your journey God will guide you to the right path. There is no road that is the easiest nor should you want it to be but when you find the reason whyGod blessed you with life it is only then when you truly begin your journey.

Quote Of  The Day :

There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why… I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?
Robert Kennedy

Trapped in Materialistic Life …..


Its been so long , since I tried something new , did  something creative , even writing , I am just so trapped in the busy schedule of life , I would like to thank my last semester for keeping me so mentally exhausted , that all I do is come home , watch t.v ,check emails & go to bed .

This whole materialistic approach of the society , irritates me .There is something very  negative that generates from it, like ab evil form , that crawls inside you , & kills the passion slowly , it makes you numb , you even forget how you used to draw beautiful things just out of the blue , it blocks your mind , makes you very dumb as well , you just can’t understand why you are becoming like this, why are you life is seeming like a mechanical procedure , without any soul purpose. Its works like slow poisoning, kills you from within …

I realized it , I had to push it before it consumes me , it happens when we start entering into this adult life , that’s the reason why most of the adults forget about their passion & just live life mechanically , this is something that goes unnoticed , & so no one ever figures it out , as at how this evil spell works on such a large scale.Its sad how plastic & artificial  life has  become. It  gets harder & harder to find something …. Real .

There is this unseen force , an illusion , it works the same way like in casinos , they attract you showing their Grand prizes ,& let you win in the beginning , but that ‘s just the trick to elude you , once you just fall into their  trap, its difficult to walk away from that table , you just sit their losing more & more , in expecting of winning back . But you will never win , unless you get up , break that spell & move out of that casino.

Thats the same thing that happens in real life , this evil force attracts you in various forms , once you are trapped , you just repeating that same process , you get so fixed into that monotonous schedule , you even forget your own passions , the fire inside you quenches down , & you are left with boring meaning less materialistic life  . & the worst part is not yet finished ,  the worst part is you don’t even know what s wrong !!!

But if by any chances you wake up , break that spell , let yourself free , you still have chance to live a life you were suppose to , chase the dream you always had , figure out  the answers you always asked , be actually happy , have that pleasure of satisfaction , find that utter peace of mind that you never had.


All it takes is to know it , that s the key , & than everything will come back to you , your passion , your creativity , your smile , that relief , & that sound sleep ….

Thought of the day :

“But I do know we’re deficient in some way. We are too involved in materialistic things, and they don’t satisfy us. The loving relationships we have, the universe around us, we take these things for granted.”
― Mitch AlbomTuesdays with Morrie


The Dark Knight inside you ……

Hope & Revenge are the only two feelings that helps to survive …….
while hope is something that is a long term process , revenge is something that comes handy , I am not trying to convey here the message of the whole vengeance thing , but I am just gonna talk about the negative emotions that could sometimes help you in positive ways , & the key is to have control over it .

Anger and envy, for instance, can spur you on to greater efforts than were likely in the absence of such emotions. Sometimes you complete the tasks you never expected to do in such a short period of time , but due to competition , that envy feeling , you did it.

Anger against the opposing team helps to win , this strategy always works in the games, indeed you must have control over it , or you might lose the biggest game of your life , and the best example for it is Zinadine Zidane ,
French superstar Zinedine Zidane — playing in the last match of his career! — head-butted Italy’s Marco Materazzi after Materazzi allegedly insulted Zidane’s family. Zidane was sent off with a red card, putting France a man down and precluding Zidane from participating in the shootout to decide the tournament’s champion. That shootout was eventually won by Italy, 5-3.

So here is my advise , if you think you can not control over it , than you should just go along with the positive feelings , it doesn’t has side effects , working with negative emotions is like playing with Fire , if you lose slight a control , it might burn you .

But playing with the negative emotions , & making it work like weapons is all together different thing , but you should not reject those feelings ,  Accepting rather than rejecting a negative emotion takes the edge off its destructive power. If you live the emotion, you will be relieved of it and it may even help you. So deal with those emotions .

Literature has witnessed many such characters who have made those negative emotions , anger hatred their power , & achieved success , one of my favorite character is  Heathcliff  of Wuthering  Heights , an uneducated and unkempt Heathcliff is so torn by Catherine’s rejection of him as husband material in favour of Edgar that he disappears for a few years and returns rich and a ‘gentleman’ .

But as I mentioned earlier, if you lose control over it , you are destroyed & the same tragedy happened with them. the destruction caused by unresolved negative emotion. Heathcliff and Catherine’s unresolved passion for each other leads to destruction of not just their lives but of the others’ around them.

You can always learn from this negative stack of emotions , if you don’t want to go along with them , you can simply seek the beam of light from it , Psychotherapist Greenspan suggests we think of emotions as teachers.
->“Sorrow teaches us about inter-connectedness.
->Fear is a survival instinct.
->And anger indicates that something’s wrong that must be made right
-> Envy teaches us that we need to better ourselves
->Disappointment tells us our expectations are unrealistic or that we need to increase our own efforts
->Frustration tells us we are bored with present circumstances and it’s time for a change.
->Being stressed means we need to list our priorities;
->Loneliness tells us we need to be connected
->Guilt tells us we have been unjust to someone or something and need to make amends.

If you change your view point , you always seek good from even the bad situations , its just the way we look at things that make it seem to us , its time you let the dark knight inside you rise , give it a shot it’s worth it …..

Thought of the day :

Cherish your own emotions and never undervalue them.

The Untold truth …..

There are things that cannot, indeed must never, be said. It is one of the cardinal rules that bind us to our social compact. Anyone with an ounce of sense in their head knows this. It’s one of those open secrets that so frustrate the philosophers of mind – the crusty men in tweed jackets who labour so hard to deduce in ever decreasing circles of logic what the rest of us simply know. That your mind is not so very different to mine. Give or take the odd eccentricity. That we can, and do, know each other’s minds.

Like any inviolable rule, it must first be broken in order for its nature to be revealed. And this is what our teenage years are for, of course. That intemperate period of our lives in which the visceral passions spew forth and darkness traces its first outline under our eyes. A time when we are all Heathcliffs, when we are crotchety and brooding and questioning of the established order of things.

Just because they are words never spoken doesn’t mean that they are feelings never felt. Nobody has it easy, everybody has problems.But than the time plays a very essential key ingredient in the situation. The emotions hidden behind that sturdy face, does n’t always mean hypocrisy. It s the untold universal law that binds the person with the moral reasoning that has to be conserved.

I know the para ‘s i wrote hear doesn’t make quite a sense , but than that s the irony they are the unsayable words , and the keyword is to figure out yourself with your own experience , a hint : check out your own personal diary , and see what are the words that you never said , but screamed at the top of your voice inside …..

Thought Of the day :

Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid.
Fyodor Dostoevsky