Trapped in Materialistic Life …..


Its been so long , since I tried something new , did  something creative , even writing , I am just so trapped in the busy schedule of life , I would like to thank my last semester for keeping me so mentally exhausted , that all I do is come home , watch t.v ,check emails & go to bed .

This whole materialistic approach of the society , irritates me .There is something very  negative that generates from it, like ab evil form , that crawls inside you , & kills the passion slowly , it makes you numb , you even forget how you used to draw beautiful things just out of the blue , it blocks your mind , makes you very dumb as well , you just can’t understand why you are becoming like this, why are you life is seeming like a mechanical procedure , without any soul purpose. Its works like slow poisoning, kills you from within …

I realized it , I had to push it before it consumes me , it happens when we start entering into this adult life , that’s the reason why most of the adults forget about their passion & just live life mechanically , this is something that goes unnoticed , & so no one ever figures it out , as at how this evil spell works on such a large scale.Its sad how plastic & artificial  life has  become. It  gets harder & harder to find something …. Real .

There is this unseen force , an illusion , it works the same way like in casinos , they attract you showing their Grand prizes ,& let you win in the beginning , but that ‘s just the trick to elude you , once you just fall into their  trap, its difficult to walk away from that table , you just sit their losing more & more , in expecting of winning back . But you will never win , unless you get up , break that spell & move out of that casino.

Thats the same thing that happens in real life , this evil force attracts you in various forms , once you are trapped , you just repeating that same process , you get so fixed into that monotonous schedule , you even forget your own passions , the fire inside you quenches down , & you are left with boring meaning less materialistic life  . & the worst part is not yet finished ,  the worst part is you don’t even know what s wrong !!!

But if by any chances you wake up , break that spell , let yourself free , you still have chance to live a life you were suppose to , chase the dream you always had , figure out  the answers you always asked , be actually happy , have that pleasure of satisfaction , find that utter peace of mind that you never had.


All it takes is to know it , that s the key , & than everything will come back to you , your passion , your creativity , your smile , that relief , & that sound sleep ….

Thought of the day :

“But I do know we’re deficient in some way. We are too involved in materialistic things, and they don’t satisfy us. The loving relationships we have, the universe around us, we take these things for granted.”
― Mitch AlbomTuesdays with Morrie